

Pr. Julien BOIS

Tel.: +33 5 62 56 61 24 

PartenairesPermettant la mise en réseau, l'échange et le transfert de bonnes pratiques

University of Pau and Pays de l’Adour (UPPA, FRANCE)

The University of Pau and Pays de l 'Adour (UPPA) is a multidisciplinary university which brings together 13,500 students and 1,500 staff spread over five distinct geographic sites (Pau, Bayonne, Anglet, Mont de de Marsan and Tarbes). The UPPA is one of the 18 best French universities with the obtaining of its I-Site label ( As a structure, the UPPA has a good experience in the management of European projects whether Interreg programs including POCTEFA, SUDOE, H2020 or Erasmus +. Currently 36 european projects are being developped by UPPA, including several as a project leader. Dedicated services exist for assistance with project planning and management as well as financial supervision of projects once funded. The policy of UPPA is clearly oriented toward the development of international collaborations at the European level, including with the Spanish cross-boarder universities, like University of Zaragoza. UPPA has recently applicated for a European university project (UNITA), being the project leader.

The UPPA staff in charge of this project belong to the Laboratoire Mouvement Equilibre Performance Santé (MEPS, EA 4445) and to the Sciences and Techniques of Physical and Sporting Activities (STAPS) department and is localised in the campus of Tarbes. These two structures and the researchers who constitute them are specialized in the field of physical and sports activities. Within the MEPS, these are the four researchers from the axis "Moving through physical and sporting activities" who will take part of this project. The activity of this team is centered on the study of the factors, programs and intervention techniques that enable the promotion of physical activity, thus focusing on the role of physical activity for health (for prevention purposes) among different types of population (children, adolescents, elderly and adult workers). The development of this topic has been carried out for many years in collaboration with colleagues from the University of Zaragoza. This joint work has so far led to 10 scientific publications in international indexed journals, a joint supervision thesis (Alberto Aibar, 2010-2013) as well as the obtention of the Interreg POCTEFA Capas-cité project (Center for improving and promoting physical activity for health, EFA095 / 15;


University of Zaragoza (SPAIN)

The University of Zaragoza is a public teaching and research institution which combines almost five centuries of history (since 1542) with a constantly updated range of courses. The University of Zaragoza has more than 30,000 students; 5,100 teaching and research staff and over 1,800 administration and service staff. It offers courses in all areas: Arts and Humanities, Engineering and Architecture, Experimental Sciences, Health Sciences, Social Sciences and Law. Students can choose between 54 Bachelor’s degrees and, in terms of graduate studies, 55 master degrees and 45 doctoral programmes, in addition to 90 specific courses (postgraduate degrees and specialist diplomas) corresponding to UNIZAR lifelong learning strategy.

The University of Zaragoza campuses are located in the autonomous Community of Aragon in Spain. The original campus resides in Zaragoza, the capital of Aragon, but additional campuses were created in both Huesca and Teruel in 1985. Campus of Huesca has a number of colleges including the Polytechnic School, Faculty of Health and Sport Science, Faculty of Humanities and Education, and Faculty of Business and Public Management.

The University of Zaragoza has consolidated its position in international rankings and it is now among the top 2% of the most prestigious universities worldwide. It is one of the 10 best out of the 77 throughout Spain. We are among the highest-rated 25 best worldwide in sports science (the first in Spain), among the top 100 in chemistry (also the first in Spain) and among the best 200 in Computer Science (the fourth in Spain). The policy of UNIZAR is clearly oriented toward the development of international collaborations at the European level, including with the France cross-boarder universities, like University of Pau and Pays de l´Adour (UPPA).

The UNIZAR staff in charge of this project belong to the Faculty of Sport Sciences, the Faculty of Humanities and Education, the Department of Musical, Plastic and Corporal Expression, specifically, from the area of Corporal Expression, and to the Physical Education and Physical Activity Promotion Research Group (EFYPAF) in the campus of Huesca. These different structures and the researchers who constitute them are specialized in the field of physical Education and Physical Activity and sports activities. In particular, the members from EFYPAF research group who will take part of this project are researchers with extensive experience in the field of physical activity promotion in the school environment. Different investigations have focused on the study of the factors of influence, interventions and programs that enable the physical activity promotion especially in school population. EFYPAF has conducted different school based interventions to assess the effects of increased physical activity. We have substantial experience in implementation of physical activity in the school and an extended network with school teachers in Aragon region.

The development of this topic has been carried out for many years in collaboration with colleagues from the University of Pau and Pays de l´Adour and Univeristy of Porto. This joint work has so far led to 30 scientific publications in international indexed journals (11 journals indexed in quartile 1 (Q1) and 7 in quartile 2 (Q2)), and 23 have been indexed in other prestigious databases (Scopus, DICE, In-Recs) in the period between 2017-2019, a joint supervision thesis (Alberto Aibar, 2010-2013) as well as the obtention of the Interreg POCTEFA Capas-cité project (Center for improving and promoting physical activity for health, EFA095/15).


City of Tarbes (FRANCE)

Tarbes is a city in south-west of France, capital of the Hautes-Pyrénées department, in the Occitanie region. It is located on the Pyrenean axis which goes from the Atlantic to the Mediterranean, located halfway between two metropolises, Toulouse and Bordeaux.

Tarbes is at the heart of an urban area which represents approximately 116,000 inhabitants being the 6th urban area of ​​the Occitania Region. From its industrial past, it has turned to advanced industry, particularly in the aeronautics field and services.

The city has a university center integrated into the Toulouse and Pau networks and has more than 6,000 students. It is also the cornerstone of the new Tarbes Lourdes Pyrénées Agglomeration Community created on January 1, 2017 which includes 86 municipalities for 128,000 inhabitants and an area of ​​215 km², making it the 5th largest agglomeration in the Region Occitanie.

The city of Tarbes is located in a department where demography is falling very slightly and Tarbes present no exception to this trend. From a professional point of view, a large part of its inhabitants have the status of retirees with a gross annual income considered as modest (€ 23,340). The average age of these residents is 39.

With more than 140 sports clubs and 16,700 licensees and more than 42,000 inhabitants, the city of Tarbes has long been a dynamic sports city. In 2010, she was a finalist in the French Sportsiest City Challenge (category 20,000 to 100,000 inhabitants) organized by the Journal l'Equipe.

The development of sport-health has been part of the major challenges of territorial sports policy since 2016 thanks to the CAPAS-Cité project that the city of Tarbes has built in partnership with the City of Huesca, the University of Zaragoza and the University of Pau and Pays de l'Adour. This European cross-border cooperation project funded by the FEDER from 2016 to 2020 allowed the implementation of sport-health actions for the population but also training and support actions for health professionals and physical activities. The partners were thus able to benefit from the permanent support of a research group from the two universities, specialized in physical and sporting activities (including the STAPS department of the University of Pau and Pays de l'Adour). This project also enabled the creation of the “Maison Sport-Santé” which is a building dedicated to a) the assessment of the physical condition of all people (professional and non-sports athletes), b) the organization of physical activities in order to support people towards better health, better well-being and c) develop a research project based on these activities. This venue is located just beside the Marie Curie High School which will participate in the intervention part of the project as complementary participating organisation. This will be a great facilitator in all intervention and evaluation activities.


University of Limerick (IRELAND)

Established in 1972, the University of Limerick is an independent, internationally focused university with over 15,000 students and 1,528 staff. The University offers programmes across a wide range of disciplines, including arts, business, engineering and construction, health, including medicine, information and communication technology, law, mathematics and natural sciences. The University’s mission is to be a distinctive, pioneering and connected university that shapes the future through educating and empowering people to meet the challenges of tomorrow.  The University is recognised as possessing one of the most spectacular and environmentally sympathetic third-level campuses in the world. The campus is home to the Nexus Innovation Centre, which supports spin-out activity in the region, and is central to the UL Enterprise Corridor, which hosts leading R&D companies such as Johnson & Johnson. Adjacent to the University is the National Technology Park (NTP), Ireland’s first science/technology park (263 hectares), which is home to over 80 organisations employing over 3,000 people.  UL has been participating in the Erasmus programme since 1988 and has won best Erasmus+ programme in Ireland in the Education Awards in 2018, 2019 and 2020. The University’s Erasmus network is extensive and includes over three hundred European partners and over one hundred Non EU exchange partners. The Erasmus team in the International Office organise the incoming and outgoing academic study placement programmes at UL, academic and staff mobility, the signing of new, or renewal of, institutional agreements as well as applications for funding and financial reporting under KA103 and KA107. The University is committed to, and takes pride in, managing the largest Erasmus programme in Ireland under KA103 (within the EU) and KA107 (external to the EU) student and staff mobility funding. Under the Erasmus+ Programme, UL has been partners in two KA3 projects, two Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree Programmes, one Jean Monnet Module, one Jean Monnet Chair, within KA2, UL is a partner in five Capacity Building Projects in Higher Education, two Knowledge Alliances, one Sector Skills Alliance, Coordinated one Strategic Partnership and has been a partner in  fourteen of these as well as a partner in five sports partnership projects. Within the new strategic plan, UL@50, 2019 – 2024, Goal Three Internationalisations, focuses on the need to enrich the academic and intellectual experience of student and staff communities to grow the academic reputation by continuing to facilitate international partnerships in research and education.

The University of Limerick staff participating in the current project belong to the Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences and are members of the Physical Activity for Health Research Group, led by Prof. Catherine Woods.


University of Ghent (BELGIUM)

Ghent University, founded in 1817, is a top 100 university and one of the major Belgian universities counting over 44,000 students and 15,000 employees. Located in Flanders, the Dutch-speaking part of Belgium and the cultural and economical heart of Europe, Ghent University is an active partner in national and international educational, scientific and industrial cooperation. Ghent University distinguishes itselves as a socially committed and pluralistic university in a broad international perspective. Currently over 50 european projects are ongoing at Ghent University (see ). A separate department assists with project application, planning and management as well as financial supervision of projects once funded. The policy of Ghent University is clearly oriented toward the development of international collaborations at the European level. The Ghent University staff involved in the current projects belong to the department of Movement and Sports Sciences and the department of Public Health and Primary Care (both from the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences). These two departments have been heavily involved in past and ongoing European Projects (e.g. Energy, Idefics, ToyBox, Spotlight, DEDIPAC (JPI), Feel4Diabetes (Horizon 2020), REWARD, Smartlife (Horizon 2020) including an Erasmus Sport Project (i.e. EPOSM: Evidence-based Prevention of Sporting-related Match-fixing)). The Ghent University staff involved in the current project belong to the research group in Sport Pedagogy (department of Movement and Sport Sciences) and the research group Health Promotion (department of Public Health and Primary Care).


University of Porto (PORTUGAL)

U.PORTO, founded in 1911, is one of the largest and it is for several years now the most sought-after higher education and research institution in Portugal in all fields with around 30.066 students, 2,300 academics and researchers and 1,500 staff. It is the best (323); Leiden 2016 (149); NTU 2016 (254); and SCImago 2016 (173). It has 14 Faculties, 1 Business School and 35 Research Units located in 3 campuses within Porto. U.PORTO is the leading producer of science in Portugal, responsible for 23% of the scientific articles produced in the country (annual growth rate of 9% since 2010). Providing high-quality training and education is of paramount importance to the U.PORTO. The U.PORTO also has a strong commitment towards society and has been consolidating its social responsibility through volunteering projects and the interaction with several local and regional civil associations in the organization of cultural, social and artistical activities. Being a truly international University, with students from 167 nationalities, internationalisation is one of UPorto’s strategic pillars and objectives, allowing the development of existing collaborations, as well as the establishment of innovative cooperation through the creation of active links with institutions from all over the world (2,200 active agreements). In recent years the U.PORTO has coordinated and been involved in several projects, namely Erasmus+ (particularly International Credit Mobility, Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees, Capacity Building and Strategic Partnerships) and Erasmus Mundus projects, which represented a direct management by U.PORTO of roughly €45 millions. U.PORTO definitely opened its doors to the world by consolidating its internationalization process through the development of projects and initiatives with HEIs from approximately 150 countries.

The Faculty of Sports Sciences (FADEUP) and its Research Center CIAFEL has conducted different school based interventions to assess the effects of increased physical activity during school hours as well as diet. It also developed a large epidemiological based epidemiological study looking at the changes in several domains including physical activity and fitness. We have substantial experience in implementation of physical activity in the school and an extended network with school teachers in Porto region.


Version française :

L'Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour (France)

Notre Laboratoire Mouvement Equilibre Performance Santé (MEPS, EA 4445) et le département Sciences et Techniques des Activités Physiques et Sportives (STAPS) sont les coordinateurs du projet. Nos chercheurs sont spécialisés dans le domaine des activités physiques et sportives. Au sein de la MEPS, ce sont les quatre chercheurs de l'axe "Bouger grâce aux activités physiques et sportives" qui prennent part à ce projet.

L'activité de cette équipe est centrée sur l'étude des facteurs, des programmes et des techniques d'intervention qui permettent la promotion de l'activité physique, se concentrant ainsi sur le rôle de l'activité physique pour la santé (à des fins de prévention) chez différents types de population (enfants, adolescents, personnes âgées et travailleurs adultes).

Le développement de ce thème est réalisé depuis de nombreuses années en collaboration avec des collègues de l'Université de Saragosse. Ce travail commun a donné lieu jusqu'à présent à 10 publications scientifiques dans des revues internationales indexées, à une thèse en cotutelle (Alberto Aibar, 2010-2013) ainsi qu'à l'obtention du projet Interreg POCTEFA Capas-cité (Centre d'amélioration et de promotion de l'activité physique pour la santé, EFA095 / 15 ;

Université de Saragosse (Espagne)

L'Université de Saragosse est une institution publique d'enseignement et de recherche qui combine près de cinq siècles d'histoire (depuis 1542). Sa stratégie d'établissement est orientée vers le développement de collaborations internationales au niveau européen, participe à ce projet par l'intermédiaire de son Groupe de Recherche en Education Physique et Promotion de l'Activité Physique (EFYPAF) du campus de Huesca.

Les chercheurs constituant ce groupe de recherche sont spécialisés dans le domaine de l'éducation physique et de l'activité physique et sportive. Ces derniers ont une grande expérience dans le domaine de la promotion de l'activité physique en milieu scolaire. Ils ont notamment participé à des études sur l'évaluation des effets d'une activité physique accrue à l'école dans la région d'Aragon. Le développement de ce sujet a été mené pendant de nombreuses années en collaboration avec notre équipe de recherche et celle de l'Université de Porto.

Ce travail conjoint a donné lieu à ce jour à 30 publications scientifiques dans des revues internationales indexées (11 revues indexées dans le quartile 1 (Q1) et 7 dans le quartile 2 (Q2)), et 23 ont été indexées dans d'autres bases de données prestigieuses (Scopus, DICE, In-Recs) sur la période 2017-2019, une thèse en cotutelle (Alberto Aibar, 2010-2013) ainsi que l'obtention du projet Interreg POCTEFA Capas-cité (Centre d'amélioration et de promotion de l'activité physique pour la santé, EFA095/15).

Ville de Tarbes (France)

Tarbes est une ville du sud-ouest de la France, chef-lieu du département des Hautes-Pyrénées, dans la région Occitanie. Elle est située sur l'axe pyrénéen qui va de l'Atlantique à la Méditerranée, à mi-chemin entre deux métropoles, Toulouse et Bordeaux. La ville dispose d'un centre universitaire intégré aux réseaux de Toulouse et de Pau et compte plus de 6 000 étudiants.

Avec plus de 140 clubs sportifs et 16 700 licenciés et plus de 42 000 habitants, la ville de Tarbes est depuis longtemps une ville sportive dynamique. En 2010, elle a été finaliste du Challenge de la ville la plus sportive de France (catégorie 20 000 à 100 000 habitants) organisé par le Journal l'Equipe.

Le développement du sport-santé fait partie des grands enjeux de la politique sportive territoriale depuis 2016 grâce au projet CAPAS-Cité que la ville de Tarbes a construit en partenariat avec la ville de Huesca, l'université de Saragosse et l'université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour. Ce projet européen de coopération transfrontalière financé par le FEDER de 2016 à 2020 a permis la mise en place d'actions sport-santé pour la population mais aussi des actions de formation et d'accompagnement des professionnels de santé et des activités physiques. Les partenaires ont ainsi pu bénéficier de l'appui permanent d'un groupe de recherche des deux universités, spécialisé dans les activités physiques et sportives (dont le département STAPS de l'Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour). Ce projet a également permis la création de la " Maison Sport-Santé " qui est un bâtiment dédié à :

  • l'évaluation de la condition physique de toute personne (sportifs professionnels et non sportifs),
  • l'organisation d'activités physiques afin d'accompagner les personnes vers une meilleure santé, un meilleur bien-être
  • développer un projet de recherche basé sur ces activités.

La " Maison Sport-Santé " est située juste à côté du lycée Marie Curie qui participera à la partie intervention du projet en tant qu'organisation participante complémentaire. Ce sera un grand facilitateur dans toutes les activités d'intervention et d'évaluation.

Université de Limerick (Irlande)

Créée en 1972, l'Université de Limerick est une université indépendante, tournée vers l'international, qui compte plus de 15 000 étudiants et 1 528 membres du personnel.

L'UL participe au programme Erasmus depuis 1988 et a remporté le prix du meilleur programme Erasmus+ en Irlande lors des prix de l'éducation en 2018, 2019 et 2020. Le réseau Erasmus de l'Université est étendu et comprend plus de trois cents partenaires européens et plus de cent partenaires d'échange hors UE.

Le personnel de l'Université de Limerick participant au projet appartient au département d'éducation physique et des sciences du sport et est membre du groupe de recherche sur l'activité physique pour la santé, dirigé par le professeur Catherine Woods.

Université de Gand (Belgique)

L'Université de Gand, fondée en 1817, est une université du top 100 et l'une des principales universités belges, comptant plus de 44 000 étudiants et 15 000 employés. Située en Flandre, la partie néerlandophone de la Belgique et le cœur culturel et économique de l'Europe, l'Université de Gand est un partenaire actif dans la coopération éducative, scientifique et industrielle nationale et internationale.

L'Université de Gand se distingue comme une université socialement engagée et pluraliste dans une large perspective internationale. Actuellement, plus de 50 projets européens sont en cours à l'Université de Gand. Le personnel de l'Université de Gand impliqué dans les projets actuels appartient au département des sciences du mouvement et du sport et au département de la santé publique et des soins primaire, il s'agit du groupe de recherche en pédagogie du sport (département des sciences du mouvement et du sport) et au groupe de recherche en promotion de la santé (département de la santé publique et des soins primaires).

Ces deux départements ont été fortement impliqués dans des projets européens passés et actuels (par exemple Energy, Idefics, ToyBox, Spotlight, DEDIPAC (JPI), Feel4Diabetes (Horizon 2020), REWARD, Smartlife (Horizon 2020), y compris un projet Erasmus Sport (EPOSM : Evidence-based Prevention of Sporting-related Match-fixing)).

Université de Porto (Portugal)

L'Université de Porto, fondée en 1911, est l'une des plus grandes et la plus recherchée des institutions d'enseignement supérieur et de recherche au Portugal. Elle compte environ 30 066 étudiants.

Étant une université véritablement internationale, avec des étudiants de 167 nationalités, l'internationalisation est l'un des piliers et objectifs stratégiques de l'UPorto, permettant le développement des collaborations existantes, ainsi que l'établissement de coopérations innovantes par la création de liens actifs avec des institutions du monde entier (2 200 accords actifs).

L'Université de Porto participe au projet par l'intermédiaire de sa Faculté des sciences du sport (FADEUP) et notamment de son Centre de recherche CIAFEL. Ce centre a mené différentes interventions en milieu scolaire afin d'évaluer les effets d'une augmentation de l'activité physique pendant les heures de classe ainsi que de l'alimentation. Il a également mis au point une vaste étude épidémiologique portant sur les changements dans plusieurs domaines, notamment l'activité physique et la condition physique. Il a d'ailleurs une expérience substantielle dans la mise en œuvre de l'activité physique à l'école et un réseau étendu avec les enseignants des écoles de la région de Porto.